Osteocondrose of the lumbar spine is the most common type of the disease. Also, lumbar osteochondrosis, subject to and in both men and women. A lot of people are familiar with low back pain. At least once every time I felt the symptoms of degenerative disc disease, caused by pain in the region of the sacrum, the waist or the lower part of the body, commonly called the "crushing of the nerve in the lumbar spine".
The causes of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine
It is considered that the main reason for the degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine is in an upright position. However, the stimulating factors, such as lack of exercise, violations of metabolic processes in the body, and the development of the disease has not happened in the least. Also, osteocondrose the lumbar spine can be caused by the presence of an excess of weight, weight-lifting, and a variety of other reasons as well.
The main source of pain in osteocondrose of the low back is pinched nerve roots, which occurs due to the narrowing of the intervertebral disc, the interior, and to the appearance of prolapsed (protrusions intervertebral disc). These changes may occur because of the degradation of energy, disturbances of the metabolism of the tissues of the intervertebral disc, resulting in the gradual drying and flattening pulpous of the kernel from the disk and to reduce the amount of bandwidth.
In the process of the development of the degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine becomes more and more significant, a bulging disc, leading initially to the formation of the protrusion, and thereafter, and to the formation of the hernia is due to the breaking of the fibrotic ring that holds the contents of the drive in place.
It occurs to crushing spinal nerve, if you have degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine because of the pain that is caused, so-called sciatica.
When the pain of sciatica resulting from the pain comes with numbness in the lower limbs. Depending on the location and the nature of them, they can be divided in lumbago and sciatica. When a crush injury of the optic nerve continues with the inflammation, and it is from the sciatica pain. The treatment of the stems with the help of pain medications (creams) that is symptomatic in nature, and in essence, it is not effective because the root cause of the illness, the degenerative process in the tissues of the intervertebral disc - is not undermined. To eliminate the pain and prevent the occurrence of the reported complications of degenerative disease of the disk, it is necessary for the application of the integrated treatment of the impact of the revival of a gradual recovery, and the recovery of the tissue from the discs of the recovery to the normal height of the intervertebral disc, and the normalization of its physiological parameters.
Due to the fact that this department is the spinal column, it is apparent that a charge of a considerable amount of work, osteocondrose of the lumbar spine can lead to complications such as hernias and protrusion, which has a large distribution, and very, very quickly if you do. Therefore, timely treatment of the disease, it acquires a special importance. Therefore, when you encounter the symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine, and for the first time, you should immediately contact a qualified health care, and a thorough examination.
The symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine
The compression of the nerve root and spinal nerve by a herniated disc in the epidural space osteocondrose of the lumbar spine
The epidural space is the space in which they are the spinal back piece. The symptoms of degenerative disc disease match is hit by a segment of the spinal cord.
- The loss of the nerve root at L1, L2 and, when the lumbar spine osteocondrose it causes a strong root of pain and disorders of sensitivity on the calling area of the pants to the knights," the top one-third of the inner part of the thigh and in the groin area. When a complication of lumbar spine degenerative disc disease is the development of a hernia, the mri-signal, which is to the rear or rear-to the location of the pain occurs in both legs.
- With the defeat of the root, the L5, when the lumbar spine osteocondrose leads to a decrease in the sensitivity is expressed by shooting pain in lower back and pain radiating it out to the thumb, and, in some cases, a reduction of power in the extensor of the thumb.
- With the defeat of the root of the S1 when the lumbar spine osteocondrose expressed in triggering the pain, and so on, and then a decrease in the sensitivity of the area on the outside of the thigh and of the leg and of the foot to the little toe and the fourth toe. When, on the defeat of the S1 that occurs with the loss of the plantar and achilles of reflexes.
The loss of the artery Depro-of The gotteron
Damage to the artery Depro-The-gotteron of the symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine are similar to the symptoms of the syndrome, myeloid, and Kautokeino "intermittent claudication". In the chronicle for the osteocondrose of the lumbar spine may cause paralysis of the buttocks and legs, loss of sensation in the area to get rid of. The defeat more to on a street, that comes with a spine, the L5 and S can lead to the development of the syndrome of the "crippling sciatica" (unilateral or bilateral) and loss of propulsion, and pelvic functions.
The compression-peripheral ischemia (malaisamy), the osteocondrose of the lumbar spine
When osteocondrose of the lumbar spine, you can receive the compression-peripheral ischemia (malaisamy), which is a violation of the blood supply to the spinal cord, and their peripheral structures because of the reduction in the intervertebral holes through which they pass to the arteries and blood vessels. This is related to the flattening disk (reduction in height), with pathological, excessive mobility of the spine, when the ligaments are feeble, with the formation of neoarthrosis, and bone spurs. Any one of the movements of the vertebral column, affecting the damaged segment, generate the additional compression, and trauma is sandwiched vessel or artery. In addition, it can occur as a reflex constriction of the vessel, as it passes through the sandwiched the opening of the spinal canal, it receives an effect of the bottle-neck in a shop.
Compressive myelopathy
Compressive myelopathy – this is an injury to the spinal cord that is caused by the contraction, for any reason whatsoever, of the spinal canal. The severity of the injury, and the symptoms depend on the location of the lesion. In most of the cases, and the power, and the symptoms of the disease are different in nature, episodic, on the other, the attack should be write-off.
The symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine, which is sometimes difficult with the development of a hernia of a disk-TXII-LI, the author of the defeat of the segments L2-L4, S1-S2) spinal cord syndrome (epigonus): pain in the lumbar region of the back of the thighs, the legs, and weakness in the legs. It occurs in the development of low-and under-nutrition, the glutes and calf muscles, paresis of feet, the loss of the plantar and Achilles reflexes. The sensitivity of posteroexternal surface of the lower leg and foot is diminished or absent.
The symptoms of the degenerative disease of the disc when the herniated disc that is a LI-II-compressed-coccygeal segment, the S3 syndrome (cone): (a) to the main clinical manifestations are expressed in the violation of the work of the pelvis, such as incontinence of urine and stools, intermittent constipation, decreased or loss of sensation in the anogenital area, and with the rapid development of decubitus ulcers, loss of reflex, and anal.
When osteocondrose of the lumbar spine, which is complicated by the compression or the defeat of the nerve roots of the spinal cord from the first low back, and below that, there is the state, which is called the "syndrome of the tail". It is interesting to note that, in this state, the more likely the people who initially has no innate sense of the narrow spinal canal.
The so-called "blessing, and at the base of the back, is a bundle of nerve roots by the end of departments of the spinal cord, beginning at the first lumbar segment and the one below. His name, a beam received through an agreement with the likeness of a horse's tail. When the diagnosis of the syndrome of the tail of the decisive role, in addition to topics on symptoms, the play is the presence of a painful, sharp pain in radicular nature of. In this syndrome, the tail that is different from the syndrome of the cone, that you can't take the pain.
Is painful and severe pain in the lumbar region and the sacral region, hitting on the buttocks, on the posteroexternal surface of the hips, an area to get rid of. They are indicated, are expressed in the different degree of violation of the peripheral-type-of-pelvis-in functions, you get a disturbance of sensitivity in the form of a strip, paralysis, peripheral, and paresis. In more severe cases, crashed, found the buttocks and the legs. The characteristic clinical features refers to the asymmetry of the motor, and to be sensitive to violations.
The symptoms of degenerative disc disease appears, depending on the location of the lesion
Osteocondrose of the lumbar spine can lead to the development of the syndrome, myeloid "intermittent claudication". In this case, the lack of blood supply to the lower divisions of the spinal cord manifests itself by a sensation of numbness in the legs while walking, numbness in the lower part of the trunk, the impulse to urinate. The lack of pain in his legs. The symptoms of degenerative disc disease is gone when you are on holiday.
Yudovina "intermittent claudication", which occurs when the ischemia, from the tail-if it makes you feel pins and needles and goose bumps when you walk in, the anemia in the peripheral departments of the foot, and gradually, the symptoms of degenerative disc disease is one up above, you can capture the groin, legs, and genitals. There is a weakness in the legs. A short vacation, it leads to a faster disappearance of the symptoms.
For lumbar spine degenerative disc disease is going to be difficult when the compression of an artery Damkevica, what happens when you lift weights, the failure of the movement, the trembling, and it manifests itself clinically, paralysis of varying degrees of severity (ranging from the surface to total loss of sensation) disorders of functions of pelvic girdle (incontinence of urine and faeces), to atrophy of the muscles of the legs, with the rapid growth in the number of pressure ulcers.
The symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine
It manifests itself osteocondrose of the low back, idiot, dull, low back pain outside the period of exacerbation. The pain may be due to a long-term look of the posture, or stress. When you take the lying state, the pain will decrease, or, to be more happening.
Under stress the body in different situations, such as, for example, when the great loads, hypothermia, and even when a sudden awkward movement osteocondrose of the lumbar spine can go into a stage of an exacerbation. The acute phase is characterized by a sharp pain that can be localized not only in the lumbar spine, but also spread to the lower limbs. You may also experience muscular tension, lumbar region, and therefore, the body continually strives to reduce the burden on the patients, the departments of the vertebral column. In the patient with lumbar osteochondrosis in the acute phase, a lot of times we have to look at the situation in which the pain subsided, and try to hold that position.
Tiger osteocondrose of the lumbar spine is a transformation of cartilage into bone, and its growth, and leaving behind the bone tissue begins to compress the nerve roots of the nerves coming from the spinal cord, causing pain. The reason for this is the proliferation of the bone tissue may be in violation of nutrition of the intervertebral disc, which leads to a lack of oxygen in the liquid, and this causes a violation in the way they function and their structure.
In the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine
Osteocondrose of the lumbar spine is a disease that requires a long, intensive and complex treatment. This is particularly relevant for the implementation of the cases in which they are present, the multiple protrusion or intervertebral disc hernia.
Thanks to reflections of methods of effective treatment for degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine can be performed with the maximum benefits and without any side effects. But it is important to remember that it's such a serious problem that cannot be solved quickly. In all cases, the degenerative disc disease for the lumbar spine is to be assigned strictly to the individual patient.
On the basis of the therapy is in progress when the osteocondrose of the lumbar spine is acupuncture, Moxa-therapy, vacuum-therapy, pharmacopuncture, soft techniques of manual therapy. These procedures are in maré, rio de janeiro, giving them the opportunity to restore the micro-circulation of the blood, and to the resolution of the stagnant phenomena in the region of the lumbar spine, correct, and vascular oedema, and muscle spasm, to restore the balance of metabolic processes in the tissue of the intervertebral disc to improve your diet. Therefore, it is a start, and it also stimulated the process of natural regeneration. It should be noted that after a chiropractic treatment, if the lumbar spine osteocondrose, can be directed only to improving the functionality of the spinal column, as well as the repositioning of the disc can not be and speech.
The application of the procedures for the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine, complemented with the acquisition of the herbal remedies to improve the balance of metabolic processes and nerve supply in the body. In addition to this, it is necessary for the correction of the diet and an active lifestyle. In the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine is important for the correction of body weight, as excess weight places a load of extra for the bottom of the back, and it serves as a factor that contributed to the evolution of the degenerative disc disease.
You have a great experience in the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine, has accumulated many years of experience, in the majority of cases, allows the achievement of significant results, they are very persistent, which prevents a surgical procedure, it eliminates back pain, improves physical activity and the development of the tide were not only in the region of the lumbar spine, but also throughout the entire body.
Typically, in order to achieve the positive effect of the treatment is enough for up to 10 to 15 treatment sessions. The pain passes in about a 1-3 session.
Don't forget that the before you start the treatment of degenerative disease of the disc, the faster it will be achieved positive results!